
Sunday, October 14, 2007

Take a swing

So my lover of one week and one day says to me he likes to put his neck on the chopping block and hand a woman the axe.

Really? God, why?

To see if she'll take a swing.

As I stemmed the gushing flow from the place of impact he turned around and left me with, I thought to myself, such a shame he's made it a test.

What a hypocrite.

I certainly don't want to see his neck or his weapons, why on earth would I crack out mine? That's the trick, right? Finding the sweet spot. Vulnerable with a safety net? Yikes, I am so given over to reckless behavior and competitive ways, well, it's a miracle I ever got married.

I put my neck out in that situation, not to see if he'd take a swing, but because I was ready. I wanted to be vulnerable. I still will. Bandage, please. Next!


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