
Sunday, October 07, 2007

Codependent some more

YOS: My christ, I can not believe I'm here again. How is it that I continue to be stymied by my codependency?

Dr: Perhaps it's your continuing inability to change behavior.

YOS: You mean like sleeping with someone the first time I meet them?

Dr: For example, yes.

YOS: But for fuck's sake, a girl's gotta get laid, doesn't she?

Dr: You did not have sex with that man.

YOS: Well if I had a blue dress...

Dr: That's not the point.

YOS: So there is a point?

Dr: You teach people how to treat you.

YOS: Not that old saw again.

Dr: You are so afraid of your own neediness that you project to the world a person who can forge on regardless.

YOS: But it seems like whenever I do express my needs I'm spurned. I told that boy that not calling hurt my feelings.

Dr: That just made him feel bad. Everything you said made him feel bad. You are so far on the lookout for yourself you won't let anyone else do it for you. And he was lovely. Very present and there for you, very attentive. At the show he kept clearing space until there was an elbow free spot for you to stand. But you couldn't trust that.

YOS: I hate myself.

Dr: Now we're getting somewhere. Time's up.



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