Facebook, take me AWAY!
A friend of mine said, "Hey, you should go on Facebook, it's a way to meet men." Naturally my first thought was, "Yeah, right, if I want to meet undergrads."
Sadly, I've become that...willing. Does that sound better than desperate?
So I started an account and suddenly I'm hearing from all these people. And, you know, "face" book, loads of pictures. I'm enjoying it. I am emphatically not meeting men, but so what?
Like all networking sites, it asks you to invite you contacts to join your network. Apparently I checked (or failed to uncheck) an agent to whom I'd sent my book proposal. Last night she wrote me to ask, uh, do I know you? I started to write back an apology, then I though, fuck that, and I pitched the book again. She responded by ASKING FOR THE PROPOSAL. Then, already this morning wrote a nice note (meaning not an auto response thing) to say she'd received it.
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