
Saturday, October 28, 2006

The forest or the trees

Sometimes you miss everything. Lucky for me, God wields a sledgehammer.

There was the paucity of T1. Dinner on two occasions consisting of take away. Nothing but takeaway. It brought to mind the richness of Geoff. How he would bring the best bread and cheese and sushi and a NY Times and and. That man knew how to provision up for a good long time spent in bed.

And now T2. So young. So sweet. And switched on sexually. With strawberries, ice cream, a full kit for making pasta, complete with fresh parsley. And a gift. And and.

It's been quite the year. Sort of.

There was March and there was May. Then August. And September. Now October. If this were my schedule in a partnership I'd go mad.

As I move toward joy the universe is opening up. I am in the forest with the trees.


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