
Monday, January 21, 2008

O, Ben Folds...Sufjan Stevens...

Ben, Sufjan, where are you? And why aren't we in a passionate relationship right now?

Perhaps the saddest part of my question is that I don't even know your real name. Names. And yet, I feel closer to you (two) than I have to men who've had their fingers inside me.

What breaks my heart about music, good music, (music I like), is knowing that it means we all do feel the same, yearn for and long for the same things. And yet, in the real world, it's so hard to get it together.

I went to a meditation the other day where the woman leading was talking about doing everything she could to align her shakti energy to be open and ready for her shiva. What I wouldn't give to truly be able to do that, strip away everything and give my all to make way for my beloved. Christ, I don't even wanna be bothered if he lives a train ride away in Brooklyn!



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