
Friday, November 02, 2007


OK, this has been the week from...beyond? Every time I turn around I'm doing some completely airheaded thing. Is it my mother? I'd like to blame the stress of that--her doomsaying actually had me wondering today if I'd have to move the old folks into my house in Pittsburgh--but the thing is, I'd managed to lose my BIKE SEAT before she even told me about Dad canceling the prescription drug coverage for her. At least I think it was before that, that I lost kinda means, ya know, I don't know what happened to it. But let's not skip over the juicy part, how it seemed like a good idea to cancel a 65-year-old obese woman's drug coverage. I mean, the old man's the nutty supplement freak, if he wanted to save money why didn't he cancel HIS drug coverage?

Then I get an email from a friend who doesn't have my phone number or address, but wants to stay with me in my pint-sized apartment. With her 2 children and Eastern European nannymate. Ummm. Do I actually have to respond to that?

I am lucky to have a place to offer my friend to stay. Lucky to still have parents. Lucky that there is a solution to my bike woes. Lucky to have a stereo to play and forget the madness.Casey Dienel, take me away...


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