
Monday, February 05, 2007

He told me: The One

I have loved you before. Thank you for sharing the secret. Perhaps now that is the question I need to ask somewhere up front: Do you believe in love at first sight?

Rupert told me almost right away, and granted this was because we were in a giant, ongoing therapy session called Osho, that he thinks when he meets the woman of his dreams he will know. He will no longer lust for other women. She will be all. He will be finished, and that will be that.

Do all men believe this? Is this why the idealized woman exists? That seems to be the trouble. Where does this belief come from? Osho seems to think it is shame around sex that is the trouble and that may be for some. Many? Not me. The trouble for me is the idealized woman. Of course I want to be that woman for someone. I want someone to think the sun rises and sets on my shoulders. My hair, my eyes, my skin—perfect, perfect, perfect. And yet I don’t even think these things. Why should someone else?


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