
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The house of yes

Here is as good a space as any to mention I’m put off by Mr. Age Inappropriate II. He sends me an email saying, hey, text me when you get to India. Then he ignores my texts. Now, could the texts not have made it? Maybe. More likely he is obeying girlfriend's orders. And it shouldn’t bug me, because as Matt points out, if he’s not the one, then leave him be. Because that’s the essence of the addiction, right? The idea that, yeah, I could still have him. Sort of. Nothing’s going to happen, but, as he points out, it doesn’t have to. So I suppose it’s better this way, and I can console myself with the thought that HE STARTED IT. Ha. But I've been not fueling the addition, and it gets damn dull.

Lo and behold, just now I get a probably totally innocent query from a woman on our course. "Are you thinking about relationships at all?" And I'm thinking, like, you mean with your friend who's visiting you right now who YES I've already considered and YES? I said, "Well, it'll be a year in January, so, yeah, I think. But what could happen now?" And, since she did not respond with a big old, well, you never know. Instead just said, yeah, the course is really busy for us, I have to tell myself she did not mean her friend and that option might as well not exist because it only actually exists in one location. Yes. Yes.

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