
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Da bomb...

I did it. I fucking did it.

The Moth is something I knew I wanted to be part of the first time I heard about it. Don't let the phrase "story slam" stop you--this is the best fun you're gonna have for $6 on a night out in NYC. Story tellers get just 5 minutes to describe something (each event has a different theme) with a beginning, middle and end. Best of all, when I went to the Nyuorican, the place was CRAWLING with men.

The night's entertainment is randomly drawn from a hat (or, in this case, a moth.org tote bag). After I went to the first one earlier this month I felt compelled to sign up to "perform." Though I'd been thinking about it for weeks, I planned nothing till about an hour before the event. You know what's coming. I was called up. First. I bombed.

BUT...I did not die. AND...I am so going to try again.

The other beautiful thing was having Deb and Julie there, the first and last chapters of The Years of Sleeping, and friends from my writing group.

Damn I love New York. And Wikipedia.



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