
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Officially not cool anymore

Such a triumph yesterday--on the heels of the Moth party, I figured out how to transfer a picture from my phone to my computer. Today, I managed to delete all my pictures. Worse still, it was not I who jumped the shark. I have never been cool. It was the Moth itself...

Last night a young man proposed to his girlfriend when it was his turn to slam. Thankfully, he went last. When private moments are told, it's a story. When private moments are acted out for public consumption, it's a reality TV show.

I suppose, since I've never been cool, it does not matter that just as I've found it, the Moth has become about as "best kept" a secret as the Today Show. If only I had that picture to prove I was there, after all, how else could I possibly convincingly evoke I was there when it happened?


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