
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I made Garrison Keillor laugh

And it so was NOT just a polite laugh, thank you very much though Martin for the vote of confidence.

I am bathed in star dust this morning, and it will not wash off, those thousand little gold flecks that fell off the centerpieces I put together for last night's Moth Ball. Of course I am also high as a kite from the event, and sure, I sound like a starfucker, and OK, maybe I am. But c'mon, people! Gabriel Byrne. Gabriel fucking Byrne drew me a little picture. If I can figure out how to get it off my phone I'm posting it. It's of James Joyce. Or maybe James Thurber channeling James Joyce, can't say for sure. And OK, it was for the Moth guest book, not me really, but, well, I was there!

Back to me and Garri. He's walking out the door and I chirp out a thank you, which causes him to lean in and shake my hand, which I respond to with a Freebird-worthy "Whooo!" This is apropos of a joke he made in his story, about women and the "whoo." He turned away before it struck him, which made him turn back and look at me, and, yes Martin, LAUGH. Not a heh, heh, I get it. But a spontaneous noise that started, not deep in his belly, no, but somewhere in the midsection for sure.

And that was the highlight of my night. That and being taunted by...Martin.

PS: Not trolling the Martin waters, but I do enjoy talking with him and have since the first time I met him which was the time I learned he had a girlfriend. Unlike SOME people who are tall and funny and refer frequently to OJ Simpson, Martin stays focused on the person he's talking to rather than the next hotter, younger thing to pass by. I chalk that up to the love of a good woman.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think i was as impressed that you got to see the gopnik reading !i am soooo jealous wooo

3:52 AM  

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